Your Crown Needs to Be Included in Your Daily Oral Hygiene Routine

A dental crown in Lexington, Kentucky, is a nearly perfect replica of the enamel layer of a tooth. If residual food particles and plaque are not cleaned away from the crown, they will harden into tartar, which promotes gum disease and tooth decay. The advanced form of gum disease, known as periodontitis, can cause your gums to recede from the... read more »

Enhance Your Smile by Taking Good Care of Your Gums

If you have been caring for your teeth and gums you know that healthy gums don't happen by chance. Your gums are an important part of your oral health when it comes to an attractive smile. They perform a vital function by surrounding and supporting your pearly whites. In fact, gum disease (or periodontal disease) is one of the biggest factors... read more »