The Three Best Characteristics in Toothpaste

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Did you know toothpaste is a great tool for removing harmful particles from your smile? Well, it’s true. However, this is only the case if you have a paste that is safe and effective. So, to help you choose the best paste for your smile, our All Stahr Dental PSC team encourages you to pick a toothpaste that:

-Is approved by the American Dental Association: If you choose a paste that has the ADA’s seal of acceptance on it, then you have a product that is safe and effective. The ADA tests products for safety and effectiveness. If it has the stamp of approval, you’re good to go.

-Has fluoride: Fluoride is a much-needed ingredient in toothpaste. It strengthens and nourishes your teeth each time you use it. In fact, it remineralizes your tooth enamel and gives it the strength it needs to fight tooth decay and other dental issues.

-Has the necessary characteristics: It’s best to purchase a paste that will be beneficial for your specific smile. For example, if you want brighter teeth, get whitening toothpaste. If you have sensitive teeth, get desensitizing toothpaste. If you need paste for a child, get the product that has your child’s favorite cartoon character on it.

If you choose a toothpaste that has these characteristics, then you’ll be on the right track toward a clean and pristine smile. To learn more about the best available toothpaste in Lexington, Kentucky, please call our office today at 859.278.9391 and schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Gregory Stahr. Your dentist will be happy to meet with you, examine your smile, and tell you the type of toothpaste that is best for your teeth.